President's Message

We continue to bring revolutionary innovations to cooling industry with the same ambition we had in the first day. Thanks to technologies we develop, we are amongst the most trusted brands not only in Turkey, but also in the world.
Efficiency and Reliability
Octosense Intelligent Refrigeration System – IRS (Smart Refrigerator Control System) achieves exceptional energy saving , which is a key factor for attracting our partners in over 50 countries where we conduct projects. The efficiency of our products and technologies has globally proven itself making us a trusted solution partner for hundreds of companies around the world.
Alternatives for Comprehensive Solutions
We started out our business with manufacturing cold storage doors initially, gradually adding other products, such as insulated panels, shelving systems and lighting solutions. Thanks to our wide range of products, we offer integrated solutions as our services are not only limited to food storage, but also includes projects and contracts of food processing facilities. Our product range also includes slaughtering systems that increase speed and efficiency along with bringing a modern approach to livestock farming.
Energy Efficiency is Our Top Priority
We make major investments in R&D activities particularly for efficient use of energy. Our venture for developing smart devices, which we had begun before Industry 4.0 was introduced, continues at an unabated pace. Having recognized the significance of the Internet of Things concept many years ago, we had already completed the preparations for the infrastructure that will let cooling machines communicate with the controllers. Our aim is to ensure that all our products work compatible with the principles of Industry 4.0, and our systems are adjusted autonomously. By this means, we will have controlled energy consumption, which is the biggest input for food storage.
Food Security For the Future
We put a lot of efforts into making major investments and raising awareness for achieving food security, one of the major issues facing the ever-increasing world population. We believe that these efforts are our duty and responsibility to the world, and as solid materialisations of these efforts, we create books and documentary films in Turkish, English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic, conduct worldwide conferences, educational activities, meetings and seminars.
A Better World is in Our Power
We do not limit the scope of our technologies and facilities. As Cantek, we turn dreams into reality for a better future, more sustainable world and more prosperous and happier societies through making many sponsorship contributions.
We believe that a better future is possible when energy is used efficiently. We strive to ensure that this belief, including all the components inside and outside the industry, is adopted in all societies in the world.